Mina Stillwater

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TRANSITION cleverly integrates reality-based characters, Elle and The Team, together with classic elemental beings into interaction with high tech creations from the dark psyche of Dr. Umberto Reinhart. Presently, the advancement of genetic manipulation to assist in the eradication of disease and other human frailties has become the monster of a Dystopian Ideal.
Heading The Team is Dr. James Grady who was originally recruited to work alongside Dr. Reinhart together with a group of neuroscientists and AI researchers in the early 1980s. After the discovery of Reinhart’s actual intentions, Grady subsequently disassociated himself from the research work and developed a large tract of land now known as The Grady Compound where he and The Team currently reside.
The Team is comprised of Dr. James Grady, his son Capt. Jim Grady, Elle Rivercane, and Nairobi together with Raina and her love interest, Lowen (a lion/man chimera). The Team works together with other groups in the Resistance: The Voice, Ben & Carol’s Chimera Orphanage and Richard Beauchamp with his various connections. Each of the main characters’ past is woven into the current landscape, where we find all has a hidden story.
In the present tense of our story, Elle is a young woman of 29 who has a 10-year-old son, AJ. Her husband, Alex Beauchamp, was abducted over a decade ago by those believed to be affiliates of Dr. Reinhart's group, the Mythological Revival Movement (MRM).
Alex Beauchamp, an archaeologist, had been taught to live alongside the earth by his father, Richard Beauchamp, an advocate of psychotropic drugs, preferably ones that grow naturally. Years earlier, Alex was instrumental in helping rescue Elle and her school companion, Myra, when they were in danger at a “Halloween party” in the woods. Elle and Alex were married 1 year prior to Alex’s abduction.
Though Alex was born in 1979, he has witnessed key events from 1937 up until the time of his abduction via time travel. As instructed by his departed mother, Alex wrote his findings in several journals that are squirreled away in various parts of the planet. Of course, the MRM is furiously attempting to gain access to these journals which exposes their true intentions as well as information on protection from their advances.
With old governmental sentries torn away, the world of TRANSITION is no longer led by moral and ethical filters. Only the Resistance holds the fibers of the old world together, awaiting the time when the ultimate plan is revealed. With the use of the psychic arts arena, TRANSITION proves to be both informative and entertaining.